Creating Gloriously Ordinary Lives

Creating Gloriously Ordinary Lives

Gloriously Ordinary Lives

Challenging us to see support through a different lens.

What would it take for everyone to have Gloriously Ordinary Lives? 

Hello and welcome!

I’m Tricia Nicoll, founder of Gloriously Ordinary Lives.

This website holds everything I am thinking about and doing around the idea of Gloriously Ordinary Lives.

Have a look around - begin with the video below!

Gloriously Ordinary Language

Rehumanise. Reconnect. Reimagine.

Gloriously Ordinary Language is an exciting new eight-month programme for local councils and other social care organisations who want to rehumanise their language, reconnect practice with personal and organisational principles and reimagine care and support.

For me, it’s all about The Five Tests for creating Gloriously Ordinary Lives.

They are not a checklist or a process, simply a lens through which to view any support we consider for a person or their family.

“What is the most important thing in the world? It is people it is people it is people!”

— Maori Proverb

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